Monday, May 16, 2005

The New York Ripper

This is the final film in my Lucio Fulci series for quite some time. With this film he strays from his horror roots and into the world of a murder mystery invovling a psychopathic killer of young (sexually active) women. Despite some rather inventive and elaborately staged murder sequences, you just can't make a killer who sounds like a duck very frightening. I suppose the concept itself might have it's appeal, after all there are evil clowns, but the duck-voiced murderer just didn't do it for me. What it did do well (or at least better than average), is establish its victims as characters well before they were to die so that we would have at least some familiarity with them. One thing I dislike is establishing a character only to kill him/her in that very same scene. This film doesn't fall into that trap. Overall though, don't waste your time unless you want to see some chick get her breast slit open by a razor blade.


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